Monday, June 13, 2011

get more sleep.

Favorite garage sale find from new little kitchen window friend!

Tonight:  relaxing watching Community episodes, eating Justin's "better than chocolate brownies with mayo on them" popcorn, and looking through all of the Readymade issues I can find to tear out new ideas, storefront inspiration, and container homes!  (and hopefully doing our budget in there, too).

This weekend was completely sweet!

It's funny how you can start to see the beauty of your old city as you grow up.  
                  And I really <3 hanging out with my family.  I'm thankful for this summer fo' sho'!

Some other things I'm clipping out of Readymades are advice from really amazing entrepeneurs:

"Most people I know who are really passionate about their work do things that are very focused.  Because I was interested in knowing about lots of different things and didn't have one main focus, I was worried I had missed my calling.  It turns out that there's a niche for people like me - and possibly you - too.  Hang around people who interest you and intriguing opportunities are bound to pop up."

"A lot of people think it's all about networking.  Network away, by all means.  But at the end of the day, the only person who is going to make things happen for you is you.  The single biggest luxury in this life is being able to do what you want, when you want, and how you want, and not give a damn what anybody else thinks.  Know that, because that is what emboldens you.  Also, get more sleep."

"Try to eat regularly, exercise, and get enough sleep.  I will consider myself successful when I wake up well rested, eat a delicious dinner, spend time with my family, and still do the job in a way that I find satisfactory - and that my customers tell me that they still come (to the shop) to be inspired."

You can find these and more at Readymade's site for "How Did You Get That F*&%ing Awesome Job."

Hope your weekend was beautiful!  


1 comments (+add yours?)

crazyhorse said...

I adore that little fawn. That is a gem of a find!

brownies with mayo. bleck.

That last quote really sits well with me :)

Also, we're doing a lot of container house research right now too! (ok so I've been too busy to do much, so Cody's been doing most of it ;)